Cooking for climate

Estella Schweizer, born in 1983, lives in Freiburg. From her medical studies, her interest in nutrition led her to occupational therapy and then to the restaurant business, followed by years of self-employment in hospitality.
After two books with Greenpeace Media ("Tu was! Spontaneously Vegan" and "Sweet World Vegan") she was happily publishing the third book: "Let´s go Nuts" with Prestel / Random House

But that's not all. Her fourth book, "Cooking for the Future" is dedicated to the urgent topic of "climate change" and invites you to bring climate protection directly into your kitchen. "food connects everything" - and nutrition and climate are directly related.

What we eat provides an essential foundation for our health and that of the world.

That's why I use mainly seasonal and purely plant-based, regional organic products from fair trade for my recipes, which are freshly and gently prepared. For the necessary micronutrient density and that certain "wow" effect, I like to work with legumes (and products made from them, like tofu and tempeh), nuts and seeds.

Our food choices are always political as well. It determines the salaries of farmers and producers, supports small farms or large corporations, and determines the use of farmland.
And thus ultimately our future life and the future of our children, as well as all living beings in the world. We as consumers are jointly responsible for the development of global food production and trade.
Fair trade products and a controlled origin of ingredients are largely determined by demand.

How our food determines our future

If we are willing to change our individual eating behavior, we can reduce our diet-related individual ecological footprint by about 50%.
Diet plays such an important role in the fight against climate change because we make a choice every time we eat our three to five meals a day.
The choice to opt for climate-friendly, plant-based products.
According to the latest studies, by making the choice to opt for climate-friendly, plant-based products, an average European citizen can theoretically save 2 tons of greenhouse gases a year through their eating behavior alone. Next to consumer behavior, this is the biggest adjustment screw that each individual can turn.

We have known for years that if we do not change our actions today, we will continue to destroy the livelihood of future generations. It is high time!

And this is exactly where I would like to accompany you.

There are two wisdoms in the vernacular: You are what you eat and Let your food be your cure.
And this is true not only for our bodies, but also for our treatment of planet earth.

I carry both of these in my heart.

You would like to change your nutrition in a sustainable way? I am looking forward to your personal request.